Supervisory Board

Report Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board (SB) supports SIDN's Executive Director with advice. The main focuses of the Board's supervision and review activities are SIDN's business strategy and the associated risks, realisation of the organisation's objectives and the design and effectiveness of the internal risk management and control systems.

The SB has seven members, including its chairman. The SB's membership remained unchanged from its formation in 2005 until 27 March 2012. On that date, Hanneke Slager and Rob Matthijssen both stepped down, having completed the maximum of three terms of office. During their time on the board, both made a significant contribution to SIDN's development. Hanneke Slager was succeeded by Peter van Schelven, whose other roles include teaching Informatics Law and acting as Manager and Legal Counsel at ICT Office. Management consultant Willem van Waveren took the seat vacated by Rob Matthijssen. Van Waveren was nominated by the Registrars' Association (RA), having gained an excellent understanding of registrars' interests while advising on and facilitating the RA's formation. Although he is an RA nominee, Van Waveren sits on the board in an independent capacity, as the other SB members do; he is not a representative of the RA or of the registrar community.

At the Board's four meetings in 2012, two of the main topics addressed were SIDN's pricing policy, including the DNSSEC incentive scheme for registrars, and the succession of SB members who will reach the end of their term of office in 2013 and 2014. The Supervisory Board was also informed about market developments, R&D, new business activities and cooperation with the RA. In addition, the following matters were approved and/or decided:

  • Annual report and accounts for 2011;
  • Annual reports of the Supervisory Board, the Selection & Appointments Subcommittee, the Audit Subcommittee and the Security & Stability Subcommittee in the context of corporate governance;
  • Annual plan and budget for 2013.

The Audit Subcommittee met twice in 1012 and considered matters such as the annual accounts for 2011, the prognoses and quarterly reports for 2012 and the interim annual audit. The Selection & Appointments Subcommittee also met twice, interviewed candidate members and advised the SB on the appointment of new members. There were two meetings of the Security & Stability Subcommittee as well; topics discussed included a security policy for SB members.

In March, the SB convened in Vienna for both a normal session and a strategic session, as well as a meeting with the board and CEO of, the Austrian registry. In June, the SB met representatives of SIDN's Staff Council and held a joint session with SIDN's CEO and the board of the RA. At the latter meeting, the parties discussed their respective roles, positions and expectations of one another.

Eddy Schuyer The Supervisory Board believes that the policies pursued by SIDN have been such that the quality of SIDN's services is assured and that the company is ready for the future.

Eddy Schuyer,
Chairman of the Supervisory Board